InTechstars StoriesbyTechstarsThe Soul of an EntrepreneurToday we welcome Techstars Chicago mentor, Gregg Latterman. Gregg is a music and entertainment industry entrepreneur. Upon graduating from…Aug 11, 20162Aug 11, 20162
InBoth Sides of the TablebyMark SusterIs Going for Rapid Growth Always Good? Aren’t Startups So Much More?Sep 23, 20121Sep 23, 20121
InCooby HQbyJocelin HoProd/Eng mindset shift: From 500M to 500 DAU身為一個曾經在FB/IG開發產品長達五年半時間的菜鳥創業家,對於大公司給予我過的訓練時常是又愛又恨。愛的是完整的系統性學習讓我很自然的能把過去建造產品的經驗複製到現在的開發流程中,壞的是舊有的一些理所當然的習慣,現在卻成了我的最大阻礙。Jul 11, 20211Jul 11, 20211
InFounder’s Notesby詹雨安 Alan Chan創業筆記(四):核心指標的成長一但你把成長當作是唯一重要的事情,你的決策就會變得更清晰、更有一致性。May 8, 20223May 8, 20223
InAirtreebyAndrew YeoB2B SaaS benchmarks: What metrics do VCs look at for signs of Product-Market Fit (PMF)?We’re often asked about what metrics and thresholds we look for when assessing a startup for investment. Here are the signals…Aug 26, 20213Aug 26, 20213